Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Review of Summer

Maybe the fact that I have so many friends and family that follow my blog keeps me from writing as I want about what I want. Maybe my mind is set too strongly on "assignment" and "grades" that I feel as if I must prepare a serious piece prior to even sitting down to type it. Maybe I am still not confident enough in myself as a writer to trust my own ideas and opinions without being instructed on what to write about. Maybe I am just lazy.

Regardless, my plan to write all summer obviously did not workout - but do not take that to mean I am not interested in writing, but rather, I am still young in my writing.

Literally 10 days from today (with Friday counting as day 1, and next Sunday being day 10), I will be moving back to Campbell to begin my sophomore year of college. I am now a nineteen year old, a proud car owner, and I will soon be celebrating my 9-month-aversary with my wonderful boyfriend, Eric.

If we are not connected via social media, then you have no idea how I have spent my summer. If we are connected by social media, I won't be too offended if you skim the rest.

I opened my summer with a weekend at Eric's house that included a day trip to Virginia Beach where I had the chance to hang out with my BFF/sorority sister, Emily Grace. After returning home, I resumed my retail job from last summer and, aside from VERY occasional plans with friends and family or plans with Eric, I have spent my time at home at work.

Getting back to May, I basically just worked up until my birthday (May 31st), where I then made the three-hour drive to Eric's for the weekend. With some quality family time, awesome gifts, and a chance to spend a day together at the beach, that was definitely one of the best birthday's I have had! (The other best birthday was my 18th - going to see Scotty McCreery - shout out to Jessica!)

Aside from my birthday weekend, I think Eric and I only had maybe three other dates planned when we would be seeing each other - which would have been AWFUL, but as circumstances played out, we ended up getting to see each other almost every two weeks. Going from seeing each other daily to not seeing each other for two or three weeks was a hard obstacle to work through, but we did and came out much stronger and much closer - regardless of the distance between us (maybe I can do another post on tips for long-distance relationships that worked for us).

My big vacation of the summer was a six day trip to myrtle beach with Eric's family plus a four day stay at his house to follow. During this trip, I had the chance to really get to know a few members of his family that I had previously not known so well, I watched the sunrise for the first time (and over the ocean on top of that), and I had the privilege of actually saying "good night" and "good morning" to Eric every day (as opposed to having to text him this or say it over the phone/Skype). The biggest struggle of this trip was maintaining mine and Eric's Snapchat-streak - we are getting pretty close to 100 (which would mean 100 days of consecutively snapchatting - in case you are unaware) and we were not about to lose it all because we were together (we made that mistake at the beginning of the summer when I stayed with him the first weekend). We had to be sure to snap each other at least once a day to keep the streak going - which is harder than it sounds, since we did not need our phones to communicate like we normally did. Towards the end of this vacation (the part where I was staying at Eric's), he surprised me with a day spent with Emily Grace! Finally getting to hear about her summer and tell her about everything I had been up to was such a blessing! I knew I missed her, but seeing her again made me realize just how much!

Taking trips to see Eric coach baseball multiple times, spending a ton of time with his incredible family, and talking on the phone almost daily (which meant I ran the risk of going over on my families shared minutes for both June and July) definitely helped make this summer fly by more than I anticipated. But, looking back, I cannot say I would have changed anything about the time Eric and I spent apart because it is the small (and occasionally big) arguments between Eric and myself regarding distance issues that made us a stronger couple.

I must say that I had a pretty good summer, but I am beyond ready to get back to school. I am ready to start my new semester of classes, I am ready to take on a few new jobs, and I am ready to continue to grow as only one can while attending college.

**And I will hopefully spend more time on my blog - it would be encouraging to have a little feed-back if you don't mind - even if you do not know me personally! I think I have mentioned this a few times, but very few people take the time to respond. I say a few because I can see how many people read my blog. So to you ghost-readers, let me know what you think! Even if it is negative! Constructive criticism is definitely welcomed!