A Few Things About Me

I am so glad you have taken the time to check out some of my writing! While you're here, let me tell you a little about me.

I have grown up in the Burlington/Graham area of North Carolina, I attended Campbell University for two years where I me the love of my life, and now my husband, Eric! Together, we decided to transfer to Appalachian State University in search of a stronger communication studies program.

We are both entering our senior year of college, Eric is pursing a BS in Public Relations and I am pursuing a BS in Journalism, and we will graduate in May of 2018.

As you take the time to read my thoughts and opinions, there are a few things I hope you are able to note about me without even needing to know me.

First, I have a deep love for Jesus, and I am learning more about what that means daily. I will not claim to have all of the answers, but I will tell you that I have placed my hope and faith in Jesus Christ and I will not hate you if you do not share that belief.

Second, relationships are a huge key to my happiness. Finding ways to better connect with people and strengthen those relationships is one of my main goals in life.

Third, I need to grow as a writer. I set this blog up originally as a way for me to practice writing for an audience, whether or not I even had one. Today, I want feedback, I want constructive criticism. I want to know how to be a stronger writer from the people who are actually reading what I share. If you have a thought, suggestion, request, anything - leave a comment! (I will, of course, remove anything horribly nasty from my page, but I will still read even that type of comment and consider how I can improve.)

I want to thank you for falling down the internet rabbit hole into my blog! I hope that we can both learn something of value from each other!

