Tuesday, July 5, 2016

twenty and so very very lost

I survived my teen years! How? I am not entirely sure...but here we are, not quite a month in to my 21st year of life. Unlike my first summer home from college, this one is proving to really bring me to a deep place of anxiety and depression as I figure out how to survive until I can head back off to the sanctuary of a college campus - filled with others who may be just as lost as I am.

I always thought that at this point, I would be set - some money in my savings account, a practical plan for tomorrow and maybe even the next year - basically I expected to see the pieces of my life really falling in to place. What I have found, at the wise old age of 20, is that I have been expecting all of the wrong things from my life.

First off, growing up has always meant total independence - at least in my book. I have fought and fought against asking for any kind of help the last couple of years of my life, and when I absolutely had to ask for help I felt nothing but guilt for days as a result. I have tried to convince myself that once I turned 18 I needed to be ready to support myself regardless of what happens.

As I have dug myself deeper and deeper into holes of anxiety and worry about what I am doing with my life and how unprepared I am, the thought has never occurred to me that maybe I am just not looking at life the right way. Just because I think people are not here to help me get through the adult portion of my life does not make it so.

I am in the process of learning to not feel ashamed to look to my parents and family for financial help as I still struggle to find a way to support myself during my summer break from school, and this has provided a great chance for growth in both myself and in my mom. She is learning more about how I see myself and the twisted reality I am trying to force myself into and she is working to help break me from the place I have mentally placed myself.

For any of my fellow young adults struggling with the transition point, lean on your family for support if they are there for you. I know there are people who cannot depend on family or friends the way that I can and I cannot even begin to comprehend how stressful that must be.