Tuesday, September 6, 2016

great strength in numbers

Photo by Eric Ortiz on the trail to Fire Tower
Thursday afternoon, I had the incredible privilege of getting coffee with a member of my Monday night Bible study through Alliance Baptist Church. With this past Monday being my first time at this study, I really needed to get to know the other girls and it worked out in my favor that every week, each girl is paired up with a different girl to have lunch or coffee or just simply get together. So as I headed to my coffee date, I was very excited because I knew I was in dire need of strong, faith-filled friends to guide me this year.

Being home this summer made me realize something very important, I cannot walk alone in my faith. I struggled to find a church community and accountability in my walk, which lead me to simply not going to church most Sundays and not prioritizing God in any aspect of my life.

Getting plugged in to Cru so quickly at App has been a major blessing because I have found an on-campus community of very strong Christians, and I had many suggestions of possible churches to attend in the area with the comfort of having many friends to sit with during service and show Eric and me around their church home.

Alliance Bible Fellowship was the first church we attended, and we were pretty sure we had found our home. The college pastor, Michael Talley, is the son of Brad Talley, the teaching elder at Grace Community Church, which was our church home while we were at Campbell. Not only do we feel connected to Michael through Grace CC, but we also are amazed at how God truly speaks through him during the College study on Sunday nights. It is hard to walk away from a conversation with Michael or a time of hearing him speak without feeling incredibly lifted (my heart is feeling happy as I just write about it).

I could not imagine being any less amazed at how God works through students here as I headed to my first Wednesday night Bible study through Cru last week and my first Monday night Bible study through Alliance this week. Both groups are filled with women who openly love God and thus love his creation with everything they have. Hearing the small bits of their lives and their testimonies each week is going to be such a blessing.